Thursday, July 3, 2008

Random random

Just happen to realise that i haven't been blogging for quite some time huh?
but well, life still goes on anyway. Been through quite a rough patch recently. Things nt really running smoothly and nt being in the best of moods. not sure if the problem lies in me. Working life seems boring but then again, sometimes office politics might nt seem a bad idea to spice up a little. makes working just that little more interesting.
Then again, get to see some really unglam acts of ppl which gets on my nerves sometimes. Speaking at the wrong time is totally unnecessary. Guess this is the harsh realities of working life and it happens all the time. but then again got to know some nice friendly ppl also. Apart from working life, there is nothing really much except waiting for army. Its getting nearer with each passing day.

And oh ya, SPAIN are the European champions. Pretty football still does the job, too bad for the germans, you not just not good enough.

With some friends who are in the army, hope that you guys are still doing fine and those who are going in soon, good luck dudes!! To others, live your life till the fullest:)

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